Parent Testimonials

Rachel N. about Chess Class
This was a great experience. My 11 year old son learned a lot about chess and got excited to play more. The class was small and interactive as well.Margarita K.  about Art Class
My daughter loves it

Kate about Art Class
My daughter really enjoyed this class and did some amazing drawings.

Ashlyn M. about English Class
This class is AMAZING! Our teacher was so fantastic with my daughter and her friend. They learned a ton in the 8 classes, and we are looking forward to signing up for the next one. I...

Jamie H. about Art Class
My child was very engaged, very happily worked on the pastel drawing and very excited to show off her beautiful artwork afterwards, great class!

Meera D. about Art Class
My girls absolutely loved this class. The teacher was calm and very patient. My daughters were very proud to show what they had created using the oil pastels. If your kids want to learn...

Amber B. about Chess Class
My son really enjoyed this class and improved his chess skills.

Natalie W.  about English Class
This class was really educational! I noticed a difference in my son's sounding out and reading while taking this class.
The teacher changed but the new Teacher was just as wonderful.

Chelsea C. about Chess Class 
Great class to help students understand where they are in learning chess.

Chanel B. about Art Class
My kids had a great time in the class. The teacher taught some good techniques.

Anu about English Class
I heard about this class from a friend whose kid is taking a 4 week session with them. I found it very interactive and super engaging for my 6 year old. He was quite happy after the class...

Aparna S.on Art Class
My daughter Namasya loved this class, she learnt some very useful techniques to draw cartoons with different emotions and features and she has been effectively using those techniques to...

Maria M about Art Class
My son enjoyed this class so much! The teacher we talked over step by step and checked on each child’s work individually. Took her time and the work cane out amazing.

Charles J about Chess Class
expect to learn the basics of chess and names for specific moves

Shauna K.on about Chess Class
My son who is a beginner/intermediate loved learning strategies presented.

Nidhi M. about Chess Class

I was impressed that the instructor went straight into the material. It was nice, given it was a one time class. I signed my son up for the class they recommended. I hope it's the same...

Amanda P. about Chess Class
people who would want to learn some chess stuff and learn your level

Jill W. about Chess Class
Our daughter enjoyed the class. She was able to interact with the students and teachers.

Hailey B. about English Class
Learn a lot from teacher !! Thank you

...and many more rave reviews


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